jeudi 7 octobre 2010

Special offer - not sexual ;)

As usual, I arrived early in the class this morning and Gene indicated me that they're going to the California courtyard (again for me!). He suggested me being in another group during the day. At first, he proposed me to be in the Eddie's class... hum, we speak about a really advanced group! No! I asked to be in Kyle's group. Many Spanish students were there (like usual for this period of the year - the government gives money to students entering the USA to learn English). It was a funny group and particularly drunkard.

After the first part of my day (the group's lessons), I crossed Gene and he said to me that after the courtyard, they finished the documentary "Bowling for Colombine" and spoke about the movie. Gosh! I wanted to see the end! Fortunately for me, Gene suggested me discussing it in a class (during the lunch time). We discussed it during approximately 30 minutes. More private lessons for me! ;)

At the end, he offered me to work on any subject that I want next week in class! After all, that will be my last week - only 16 group lessons, 4 private lessons and my final test to do! (Just 4 more school days!)

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