jeudi 26 août 2010

First day of class

August 23, 2010

And also, the first day to put all my life / events / feelings in english! I am going to try, but don't hesitate to correct me.

This morning I went to the school in approximately twenty five minutes of roller! Since I bought my appartment in Longueuil, I do not have many opportunities to practise. In California, roads and drivers are perfected for! I'm so impressed by the drivers and their courtesy! The road to go to the school was really pleasant... but the return was not so easy (particularly the coasts between the 4th and the 16th street!). Hehe. I'd planned that I would be a little bit rusty and that an accident is so fast arrival, that I wore a pair of jeans with a long jumper for the morning. Futhermore, my skin was not enough prepared for all the sun of California and I am burned (roasted!) by the sun. I think that my fast walk of six hours of yesterday can be a reason, also the fact as I wasn't able to apply very well my sunscreen AND also the fact that I put only once the sunscreen, could be reasons of my burns... I saw a SPF 85 sunscreen in pharmacy and I understand why...

Six new students were there this morning. Me, a Japanese guy, a Republican Czech girl (looking like a younger mixture between Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie with the accent of Peneloppe Cruz), two Italian and a medical student of Switzerland. I crossed approximately thirty young adult coming from all around the world with each their accent.

As I planned yesterday, the tests began at 8:40 a.m. A test on the oral comprehension and the other on the grammar. Yissh! The test began with a cassette where we heard several persons speaking about various subjects followed by some questions with answer choices. After the 25 minutes of listening, a lot of grammatical questions... also with answer choices. The grammatical part was about some syntax errors in the sentence. With the result, tomorrow we will be set in different classes. With all the confidence that I had after the test, I believe that the school will have to create a new classes for the "really novice beginner"!

The visiting tour of the place finished at 11:41 a.m. And my day too! For my return, I continued my shopping for the residency (Viva the great "99¢ only" store! Much better than the dollorama of Quebec) and a bought a big bottle of aloes at pharmacy!!! No sun for me until my skin won't be ready! 

It's weird. Tomorrow will be the real beginning of all this adventure! Me, back on the school's bench... I was thinking that all that will be done with the CMA title at my twenty six years old...

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