jeudi 23 septembre 2010

Las Vegas for the weekend

I have a new friend : Emeline! She's in my class since Tuesday and she's here only during two weeks! She lives in the Santa Monica's hostel for her stay (really near the school). I was there yesterday and I think that the place is huge and really beautiful (a lot of different people)! Nice place!

I think that our friendship is not necessarily the best because we generally speak in French, but I think that allow me a little break for my brain! I hope that it'll allow a better progress for the total immersion after its departure.

Yesterday we went to the Malibu Beach by bus (30-50 minutes). We were so jump the gun to have a lot of time on the beach where we didn't lunch before leaving. I asked to the driver where was the best place to stop in Malibu and he gave us a place where a lot of people goes. Upon our arrival, the place was a deserted place! Only kilometers of beach as far as the eye can see and no restaurant near! We found a restaurant to satisfy our hunger, but I ate a really fat sandwich with a lot of sauce. Heavy on my stomach!

I believe that yesterday wasn't the best day to make of the beach; a big breeze from the ocean was present in Malibu (not so strong in Santa Monica)! We carried our sweater until our return!
Really nice for the suntan ;)

During our break today we booked a car for tomorrow morning until sunday. With this car, we are going to Las Vegas for the weekend!!! Youhou. No blog until my return but I'm going to take a lot of photos for you!

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